The Realization Process
The Realization Process offers a powerful, precise and effective method for releasing trauma at it’s source.
Dr. Judith Blackstone created the Realization Process, a method for spiritual awakening to one’s deepest nature and undistorted identity as Consciousness. It is both a spiritual path and simultaneously a psychological method for releasing deeply held trauma in the body.
You might find these recordings from Judith useful in your exploration of the Realization Process:
An introduction to the Realization Process from Judith Blackstone
A talk about trauma from Judith Blackstone
The Unified Field of Consciousness is the Ground of Being.
The Unified Field of Consciousness is our deepest identity as human beings; it is the ground of Being. Because this field unifies everyone and everything, spiritual and psychological methods go hand in hand to help us access the wholeness and potential of our humanity, and heal our suffering. It is possible to access the source of one’s trauma in this unified field of consciousness.
A Unity Within all Things Everywhere.
This unified field of consciousness gives us access to the felt sense of the unity within all things and all people. It can be experienced and is described as an all-pervasive spacious luminous stillness. The unified field of consciousness is simultaneously experienced as Presence and Emptiness – a sheer luminous transparency. It is completely whole and unbroken, a spacious luminosity, pervaded by stillness, with all of life moving through it. The undivided light runs through everyone and everything, as Buddhist Teacher and Writer Aura Glaser says, “To know all things, including the painful and difficult, are lit from within by undivided light.”
Meditations by Judith that may be useful in your exploration of the Realization Process:
Realization Process gives us access to the unified field of consciousness in our bodies.
By attuning to this unified field of consciousness, the Realization Process provides a method of precision to release the trauma held in our thoughts, feelings, and physical sensations held deeply within our psyche, body, and nervous system as a result of our own trauma. By going to the source or origin of the suffering, the release is deeper and potentially permanent. In fact, our suffering is validated in the process of release. It’s not a spiritual bypass. We discover we can simultaneously feel our suffering and open to this unified field of consciousness as our deepest identity at the same time. Ironically and paradoxically, when we do this, we feel more real, more distinctly like ourselves as a unique person. It is a transformational moment.